Keith Saunders, PhD (Secretary)

Dr. Keith Saunders is a sociologist whose professional work focuses on drug policy and social movements. He has been researching marijuana culture and the marijuana policy reform movement, with special attention given to the relationship between marijuana’s prohibition and its popularity, since 1999. Dr. Saunders has presented his findings to audiences at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association and the Society for the Study of Social Problems, as well as at NORML’s annual conference and the Hemposium at Seattle Hempfest. He has taught “Drugs and Society” and related courses since 1995 at Northeastern University and the University of Massachusetts. A 1990 graduate of Colgate University, he holds M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Northeastern University.

Keith was born and raised in the Boston area, and has resided in the city since 1993. He was first elected president of MassCann in 2004, and served in that office for 5 terms. In January 2006, Keith was named Freedom Fighter of the Month by High Times magazine. He embraces grassroots reform strategies, having seen marijuana decriminalized in Massachusetts after 20 years of efforts by a small, committed, and effective cadre of activists. He is married and the father of a 2-year old boy.