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The NORML PAC is the political arm of NORML that permits us to provide campaign contributions to office holders and candidates for public office who support NORML-friendly public policy and legislation.

As you may know, non-profit corporations, such as NORML and the NORML Foundation, cannot by law provide any support, financial or otherwise, to candidates or office holders. NORML can lobby aggressively for legislative change and support voter initiatives, and the NORML Foundation can undertake educational and philanthropic work that supports and reinforces our policy goals, but neither organization is permitted to provide support for or opposition to candidates for public office.

Under federal and state laws, political actions committees (PACs) are the only entities permitted to engage in partisan political matters.

In the perfect world, candidates would not need to raise money to run for office, and those of us who advocate for legislative policy changes would not need to help candidates who are supportive of our positions raise money. But we live in the real word, and we must recognize that our ability to help marijuana-friendly candidates raise the necessary money to successfully run for office, or for reelection, is terribly important. For many of these office holders, our willingness to contribute PAC money to their campaigns is a sign of how serious we are about the policy changes we seek.

We must continue to identify those members of Congress, and their counterparts at the state legislative level, who are supportive of our positions and we must register our appreciation for their support by making PAC contributions in this election year.


Please make a generous contribution today to the NORML PAC to help us raise the money we will need to support NORML-friendly candidates for office. Make your contribution today in the amount of $5000, $1,000, $500, $100, or whatever you can afford.

Many candidates for public office will not treat the marijuana smokers’ lobby as a serious political force until we become more active at raising and distributing PAC money to our friends.