NORML Testimony

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  • State Legislatures
  • Testimony - Congressional

Since 1970, NORML staff members and representatives have testified in all fifty states and abroad advocating for reforming marijuana laws to legalize adult-use and medical cannabis, decriminalize marijuana possession, protect the rights of responsible consumers, expunge past convictions, and in support of numerous efforts to repair the harms of prohibition.

As few citizens actually get to attend a legislative committee hearing, NORML encourages you to read the testimonies and learn the different ways, persuasions and lines of reason NORML has employed to advance the cause of sensible marijuana law reform.

Legislators are far more inclined to support marijuana law reform legislation and hold public hearings if they, as they must, hear from their voting constituency….you!

These legislative hearings also give local, state, national and international media the opportunity to cover the subject of marijuana in an even-handed and objective manner.

Bottomline: Legislative committee hearings are crucial to the passage of legislation that stops treating marijuana consumers like criminals.