Analysis: Frequent Cannabis Use Associated with Lower Incidences of Diabetes Among Women

College Station, TX: Women who frequently consume cannabis are less likely to be diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, according to data published in the journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research.

Researchers at Texas A&M University assessed the relationship between cannabis use and diabetes in a nationally representative sample of over 15,000 adults. 

They reported that women who were frequent cannabis consumers were less than half as likely to be diagnosed with diabetes as compared to female non-users. No differences were observed among women who only consumed cannabis occasionally.

Researchers did not identify a similar inverse relationship among males. They concluded, “Further studies are needed to explore the sex-based heterogeneity-and individual and contextual factors responsible-in the association between cannabis use and diabetes mellitus.”

Several previous studies have identified a correlation between frequent cannabis use and lower odds of adult-onset diabetes, while clinical trial data has shown that the administration of THCV is associated with improved glycemic control in type 2 diabetics.

Full text of the study, “Sex differences in the association between cannabis use and diabetes mellitus among US adults: The National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey, 2013-2018,” appears in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research. Additional information on cannabis and diabetes is available from NORML.