The NORML Foundation

The NORML Foundation, a sister organization to NORML, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation established in 1997 to better educate the public about marijuana and marijuana policy options, and to assist victims of the current laws. The NORML Foundation maintains a professional staff and shares office space with NORML in Washington, DC.

The NORML Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and donations are tax-deductible to the full extent under the law.

The NORML Foundation sponsors public awareness campaigns designed to inform the public about the costs of marijuana prohibition and the benefits of alternative policies; distributes a weekly press release to the national media and newsletter to citizen activists focusing on recent developments pertaining to marijuana research and policy; provides legal assistance and support to victims of the current marijuana laws; undertakes relevant research; and hosts, with NORML, an informative website and annual legal seminars and conferences.

Jeralyn Merritt, (Chair)

Keith Stroup (Vice Chair)

Randy Quast (Treasurer)

Beverly Moran (Secretary)

Dan Viets