The Republican Candidates on Marijuana

As we approach the middle of January, Election 2012 is in full swing. Fresh off of the Iowa Caucuses, the six remaining Republican candidates move on to New Hampshire for their January 10th primary. As a non-profit organization, we are not permitted to endorse candidates for public office, but we hope this guide helps inform you of the marijuana policy positions of the various candidates.

(Note: NORML is not endorsing any of the candidates listed below and this is intended only as an educational overview of the candidates positions on marijuana policy.)

Republican Presidential Candidates 2012

Mitt Romney

Governor of Massachusetts (2003-2007)

Public Statements:

“People talk about medicinal marijuana, and, you know, you hear that story: People who are sick need medicinal marijuana. But marijuana is the entry drug for people trying to get kids hooked on drugs. I don’t want medicinal marijuana. There are synthetic forms of marijuana that are available for people who need it for prescription. Don’t open the doorway to medicinal marijuana.” 

(“Ask Mitt Anything” Event in Bedford, NH 2007 – source)


“We’ve got to not only continue our war on drugs from a police standpoint but also to market again to our young people about the perils of drugs.”

(New Hampshire Voter Event, August 17, 2011 – source)


“I believe marijuana should be illegal in this country. It is the pathway to drug usage by our society, which has made great scourges; it is one of the great causes of crime in our cities. I believe if we are at a state were, of course we are very concerned about people who are suffering in pain, and there are various means of providing pain management. And those who have had loved ones that have gone through an end of life with cancer know nature of real pain. I watched my wife’s mom and dad going through cancer treatments suffering a great deal of pain, but they didn’t have marijuana, and they didn’t need marijuana. Because there were other sources of pain management that worked as effectively.”

(Oct. 4 2007 at St. Anselm’s College, Manchester, NH – source)


“But having legalized [medical] marijuana is, in my view, an effort by a very committed few to try to get marijuana out in the public and ultimately legalize marijuana. They have a long way to go. We need less drugs in this society, not more drugs. I would oppose the legalization of marijuana in the country or legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes because pain management is available from other sources.”

(Oct. 4 2007 at St. Anselm’s College, Manchester, NH – source)


UPDATED 01/09/12:

“Q: I want to know what you thought about industrialized hemp?

Romney: About what?

Q: Industrialized hemp.

Romney: Industrialized hemp? I’m not quite sure what industrialized hemp is.”

(Peterborough, NH Town Hall on January 5, 2012 – source)


“Q: Are you in favor of arresting medical marijuana patients?

Romney: I’m in favor of the law not allowing legal marijuana.”

(Tilton School Meet and Greet on January 6, 2012 – source)


Prior Activity: None


Ron Paul

House of Representatives for Texas’ 22nd (1976-1977, 1979-1985, 1997-Present)

Public Statements:

“This war on drugs has been a detriment to personal liberty and it’s been a real abuse of liberty, Our prisons are full with people who have used drugs who should be treated as patients — and they’re non-violent. Someday we’re gonna awake and find out that the prohibition we are following right now with drugs is no more successful, maybe a lot less successful, than the prohibition of alcohol was in the ’20s.”

(Comments Post-Iowa Caucus, 01/04/12 – source)


“Well, removing [marijuana] from the jurisdiction of the federal government and allowing the states to regulate it, like they would alcohol. And this seems to be strange for a lot of people, but I’m only going back to 1937 when that’s the way it was handled. The states always did this, and I’m motivated strongly also because the states legalize it for the use of medicinal purposes and it is helpful to people who have cancer or are getting chemotherapy. So this is not a huge radical idea, it’s something that was legal for a long, long time. And the war against marijuana causes so much hardship and accomplishes nothing. So I would say that marijuana, as far as causing highway problems, is miniscule compared to alcohol, and yet we knew prohibition of alcohol was very bad. So this is just getting back to a sensible position on how we handle difficult problems. And, for me, it should be the states.”

(Kudlow Report, June 23, 2011 – source)


“The role of the federal government is to protect our liberties. That means they should protect our religious liberties to do what we want; our intellectual liberty, but it also should protect our right to do to our body what we want, you know, what we take into our bodies.”

(Jay Leno Show, Dec. 2011 – source)


UPDATED 01/12/12

“Q: Why don’t the other candidates talk about drug policy?

Ron Paul: I think they are easily intimidated and they think people are going to hold it against them if they talk sensibly about drug policy.  Yet I think they are about 20 years behind the time. I think prohibition of anything doesn’t work, the only thing we should prohibit is violence.”

(Manchester, NH January 10, 2012 – source)

Prior Activity:

Co-sponsored HR 2306: Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011

Sponsored HR 1831: Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2011


Rick Santorum

House of Representatives for Pennsylvania’s 18th District (1991-1995)

US Senator from Pennsylvania (1995-2007)


Public Statements:

“There is a difference between legitimate issues of character — someone’s behavior — and the issue of whether someone who has done something wrong in their life, now because of those mistakes, can’t talk about what is the right thing to do. Politicians who have stumbled personally, are capable of making values-based arguments. I don’t think that’s hypocritical. That’s a dangerous line that many folks tend to cross over — that because you made a mistake, you can’t talk about this or that issue. We all make mistakes.

For example, I smoked pot when I was in college. Does that mean that I can’t talk about drug use? Does that mean that I can’t talk about how that’s a bad thing? Of course not. You learn from those experiences.

Even during that time, I knew that what I was doing was wrong. But just because I failed, that does not mean that I shouldn’t be able to talk about it. That’s a different issue. It’s not hypocrisy, as long as you don’t say, ‘I thought it was right, and now think it was wrong.’ If you knew what was going on, and mostpeople do, you have moments of weakness. It happens to all of us. But that should not deter people from talking about what they believe is right.”

(National Review, March 2011 – source)


“Well, yeah, I admitted you know, back when I was running for the Senate, that when I was in college that I smoked pot and that was something that I did when I was in college. It was something that I’m not proud of, but I did. And said it was something that I wish I hadn’t done. But I did and I admitted it. I would encourage people not to do so. It was not all it’s made up to be.”
(Piers Morgan Tonight, August 31st, 2011 – source)


“I would think that [legalizing marijuana] would be an activity that is not consistent with American values.”
(Ames Straw Poll, September 2011 – source)


“I am adamantly opposed to the legalization of marijuana and other illegal narcotics I believe that this would lead to increased drug usage, especially among young people. While it is true that many Americans blatantly defy federal laws against the trafficking, sale, and use of illegal drugs, I believe a greater number of people are deterred from illegal drug use by the threat of arrest and prosecution.”

(1998 Constituent Letter Supplied to NORML – source)


“I believe that the drugs which are currently illegal should remain illegal. I am committed to maintaining the federal government’s role in the “war on drugs”, which is fought on many fronts by federal agents, local law enforcement, substance abuse counselors, teachers, parents, and concerned citizens.”

(1998 Constituent Letter Supplied to NORML – source)


UPDATED 01/09/12:

“Q: As a champion of family values and keeping America strong, would you continue to destroy families by sending non-violent drug offenders to prison?

Santorum: Uh, wow. The federal government doesn’t do that.”

(College Convention 2012 in Concord, NH – source)


“Santorum: I guess I would take the opinion that federal laws are laws that are in place right now that say these are narcotics, right?  I don’t know, I assume they are…

 Audience Member: I’m sorry, they’re not.

 Santorum: Ok, alright, I don’t know my medical marijuana laws very well. I know should know everything, but I don’t, I apologize, I’m trying my best. But I think they are a hazardous thing to society. So I would..

 Audience Member: How did you form that opinion?

 Santorum: I formed that opinion from my own life experiences, and having experience that…I went to college too. So, I would make the argument that states have the rights, but they don’t have the right to do anything they want to, states don’t have the right to sterilize people. They did at one time, but we said, “No, we aren’t going to do that anymore.” States under the constitution probably have the right to do it, just like they have the right to do marijuana laws…legally, but I don’t think they morally have the right to do things that are harmful to the people in their community and therefore I think the federal government should step in.”

(College Convention 2012 in Concord, NH – source)


“Q: I’m a marijuana user should I be arrested?

Santorum: Well, depends on what the laws in your state are, I guess.”

(Hollis, NH on January 7, 2012 – source)


“Well you know, obviously state drug laws are the principle drug laws. I have concerns about obviously drug use and its impact on our society. So, I would say that the federal government does have a role, that states don’t go out and legalize drugs, there are drugs that are hazardous to people, that do cause great harm to both the individual as well as to society as a whole. The federal government has a role to make sure that those drugs are not in this country and not available and that people who use them illegally are held accountable. Ideally, states should enforce these laws, but the federal government has a role because it is a public health issue for the country.”

(Nashua, NH on January 9, 2012 – source)

Prior Activity:

Voted ‘Yes’ on HR 3540 in 1996 to add an additional $53 million (raising the total to $213 million) to international narcotics control funding, and pay for it by taking $25 million from international operations funding and $28 million from development assistance.


Newt Gingrich

House of Representatives for Georgia’s 5th District (1979-1999)

House Minority Whip (1989-1995)

Speaker of the House (1995-1999)

Public Statements:

“I think Jefferson or George Washington would have rather strongly discouraged you from growing marijuana and their techniques with dealing with it would have been rather more violent than our current government.”

(New Hampshire Voter Event, January 2012 – source)


“I would continue current federal policy, largely because of the confusing signal that steps towards legalization sends to harder drugs…I think the California experience is that medical marijuana becomes a joke. It becomes marijuana for any use. You find local doctors who will prescribe it for anybody that walks in.”

(Yahoo! News Interview, November 28th, 2011 – source)


“I don’t have a comprehensive view. My general belief is that we ought to be much more aggressive about drug policy. And that we should recognize that the Mexican cartels are funded by Americans. In my mind it means having steeper economic penalties and it means having a willingness to do more drug testing.”

(Yahoo! News Interview, November 28th, 2011 – source)

“I think that we need to consider taking more explicit steps to make it expensive to be a drug user. It could be through testing before you get any kind of federal aid. Unemployment compensation, food stamps, you name it.

It has always struck me that if you’re serious about trying to stop drug use, then you need to find a way to have a fairly easy approach to it and you need to find a way to be pretty aggressive about insisting–I don’t think actually locking up users is a very good thing. I think finding ways to sanction them and to give them medical help and to get them to detox is a more logical long-term policy.”

(Yahoo! News Interview, November 28th, 2011 – source)

UPDATED 01/09/12

“Q: I’m a recreational drug user, should I arrested?

Gingrich: No you shouldn’t be arrested, but you also shouldn’t do it.”

(January 4, 2012 at Concord, NH Town Hall Meeting – source)


“Gingrich: There is a general belief over the last couple hundred years that people who are drug addicted citizens are not capable of participating as independent citizens. They are not capable of exercising independent judgment. So if you look at cocaine and heroin addicts, they loose the ability to be fully participating citizens.

Q: That doesn’t seem to match with the consistency of how many people seem to use drugs in this country. So, I’m saying well over the majority of individuals in this country use or have used drugs, what you are saying is the majority of individuals are incapable of participating…

Gingrich: No, what I’m saying is even among the majority of those who have would agree they shouldn’t be legalized.

Q: What polls are you referring to?

Gingrich: The polls in terms of legalizing heroin and cocaine, there’s never been any support for that.

Q: Oh, well I’m talking about marijuana.

Gingrich: Well…I’m just talking about cocaine and heroin.”

(Gingrich Town Hall in Concord, NH, January 4, 2012 – source)


UPDATED 01/12/12

“Every place where drugs become legalized, matter of fact is more people on welfare, more people who are dependent, more people with bad health outcomes, fewer people who are able workers who can pay attention on the job, and a drain of money into illegality.  Because immediately behind legalized marijuana, comes cocaine and heroin. And the very people who were busy selling marijuana branch into even more aggressive sale of the harder illegal drugs.  So, I think it is a big net economic loss and a job killing idea.”

(Florida, 2009 – source)

Prior Activity:
Introduced and Sponsored the Drug Importer Death Penalty Act of 1996

Rick Perry

House of Representatives from Texas’ 64th District (1985-1991)

Lt. Governor of Texas (1999-2001)

Governor of Texas (2000-Present)

Public Statements:

“Crucial to understanding federalism in modern-day America is the concept of mobility, or “the ability to vote with your feet.” If you don’t support the death penalty and citizens packing a pistol, don’t come to Texas. If you don’t like medicinal marijuana and gay marriage, don’t move to California….”
(“Fed Up! Our Fight to Save America From Washington” by Rick Perry)

“When the federal government oversteps its authority, states should tell Washington they will not be complicit in enforcing laws with which they do not agree. Again, the best example is an issue I don’t even agree with—the partial legalization of marijuana. Californians clearly want some level of legalized marijuana, be it for medicinal use or otherwise. The federal government is telling them they cannot. But states are not bound to enforce federal law, and the federal government cannot commandeer state resources and require them to enforce it.”
(“Fed Up! Our Fight to Save America From Washington” by Rick Perry)


“[If] you want to go somewhere where you can smoke medicinal weed, then you ought to be able to do that.”

(Daily Show Interview, November 2010 – source)


“We can win the war on drugs but we have to fight it first. I know, I have to deal with this.”

(Republican Jewish Coalition 2012 Presidential Candidates Forum – source)


“The Governor does not support legalizing any drug. The Governor supports federal drug laws where appropriate. And while the Governor is personally opposed to legalizing the use of medical marijuana, if states want to allow doctor prescribed medical marijuana, it seems to him that under the 10th amendment, they have the right to do so.”

(Perry Spokesman Mike Miner to the Washington Post – source)

Prior Activity: None


Jon Huntsman

Governor of Utah (2005-2009)

US Ambassador to China (2009-2011)

Public Statements:

“Question: would you prosecute growers and sellers of marijuana in states where it has been made legal?

Jon Huntsman: I would let states decide that.”

(Townhall in Exeter, NH, June 2011 – source)


“I never saw him inhale.”

(Huntsman’s Childhood Friend in Politico – source)

Prior Activity: None

299 thoughts

  1. Well the only problem is that no matter if you vote for Paul doesn’t mean he’ll be able to sway the other members of our government to allow medical marijuana. He can propose a bill but I don’t see Congress or the Senate going along with it.our best bet is at the state level change the law here and get enough states to take action and the feds will have a tough time

  2. This is for the people who just don’t understand Ron Paul, and think some of his ideas are “crazy.” To many thinking adults, Ron Paul is far from crazy, he just tells the truth. MOST people can’t handle the truth. And it is not necessarily their fault, they are VICTIMS of a mainstream media that is giving them a hard sell sales pitch, instead of reporting the news.

    But what is crazy about Ron Paul?

    1. He wants to end all the wars and bring our troops back home. The mainstream would have you believe that this is “unsafe.” The MSM is also concerned that Ron Paul is soft on Iran and does not want to start another war.

    It is hard to believe that the public agrees with any politician that wants to increasingly engage is offensive wars — all for contracts and insiders, not at all defensive in nature. More and more, the USA has become a war mongering danger to the rest of the world. Some countries must be scared as hell wondering if they are next on the list to be hammered by the USA war machine.

    America should be a beacon of freedom and peace in the world, instead she has become a dangerous predator in her attempt to cover up her abuses and mistakes. America needs to bring her troops home and clean up her own economic mess. Our leaders should be looking for ways to make friends rather than make enemies around the world. Ron Paul’s foreign policy would be a huge benefit to world peace. And ultimately America, not to mention the rest of the world, would be much, much safer.

    2. Ron Paul plans to cut big government the first year by closing down a lot of Fed bureaucracies like the Dept of Education or the Environmental Protection Agency. A lot of people see this as crazy. Ron Paul asks Americans to take responsibility for their own lives. Unfortunately most people want a “free lunch” and they want government (or someone else) to take care of them. It is lazy and morally bankrupt to expect your neighbor to give you a hand if you are not even helping yourself. This is age old wisdom, “Don’t give a man a fish, teach him to be a fisherman.”

    3. Ron Paul wants to cut a trillion dollars the first year. Government is the only one that can spend all that they want with a seemingly endless credit card. This has created such a mess that it will destroy the work and savings of the American people through continual currency devaluation and eventual crash. America is hurting her own currency by racking up trillions of dollars of debt, while sending businesses and jobs overseas. Trillions and trillions of derivative abuses by TBTF mega banks have also diluted our dollar into oblivion. We NEED to address our economy with age old sound economics, or we will be totally broke soon and cast into 3rd world status, or worse. That is why are leaders are passing NDAA bills and building FEMA camps. Any thinking adult can see that American is not addressing her internal problems and we are headed for disaster. Ron Paul is the only person who gets it; or rather Ron Paul is the only one telling the truth. And the liars and self-deceivers can’t stand it.

    Don’t listen to MSM, listen to yourself. Vote Ron Paul 2012.

  3. Hey peeps. Hemp grows in alot of places still. Along the RR tracks. It has no potency. That kind of hemp isn’t and wasn’t smoked with much effect if at all. Just sayin

  4. Lets not be dumb f@#%s!

    The republican nominee will be either Mitt Romney or Ron Paul. So read those two and decide! You can have Ron Paul who respects your choices. Or Romney who believes he can make better decisions on how you conduct your personal life than you can. By the way he also believes the “Magic Underwear” he wears will protect him from all harm and that Black people exist so Satan can have representation on earth.

    So once you’ve made your choice make sure you vote! If you are a democrat or whatever other than republican and your state doesn’t have an open primary. Go down to your voter registration office switch to the republican party so you can vote in your states primary.

    Do this even if you intend to vote for Obama in the general election. You can always switch back right after the primary if being a republican makes you feel dirty 😉

  5. What poor choices, Ron Paul may be good for legalization, but he may drop dead of natural causes even before he does not get the nomination. i agree with uncle nicks post, I will look further into Paul’s plan if he does get nominated, but I think we will be stuck with the current loser. At least Colorado and other states seem to be making some headway on the issue. Peace.

  6. Vote for Jon Huntsman. Get the Federal Government our of Pot policy. With a balanced foreign policy, real tax reform, and some chance at bipartisan progress.

  7. Correction:
    Vote for Jon Huntsman. Get the Federal Government OUT of Pot policy. With a balanced foreign policy, real tax reform, and some chance at bipartisan progress.

  8. I love it. I thought Newt was supposed to be the historian? I think there was some sort of law back in the 16 and 1700’s that you had to grow hemp. Seriously, it was required! He should constantly have someone shout “jackass” every time he speaks. Like from Happy Gilmore.

  9. I think Newt is toast but it still would be interesting to get that letter into the news cycle and see what happens
    If he had any smarts left he should turn face and support cannbis who knows could get him back in the running and
    Get us closer to a legal flower
    But alas poor Newt is probably all tied up in the corporate
    Web to do anything sensible.

  10. Mr.Romney and others like him say that marijuana is a gate way drug,used to hook kids on harder drugs.Is beer used to hook kids on whiskey?There was a news story on kids that would put feces in a two litter plastic bottle,they would then put a balloon over the top of the bottle,like a hat.The kids would then put the bottle in the sun for a day or two and the balloon would fill with the gas that the feces produced.Then with the balloon filled they would pull the balloon off and huff the gas which made them hallucinate.Marijuana did cause this or any other use of harder drugs and until we are honest about this “war on drugs”we will continue to see more of the same needless acts of violence and feces huffing.Mr. Romney you are a self centered,self righteous,condescending person,but do not fill along,our government is full of those just like you.

  11. why do people think legalizing drugs will increase usage in young adults..thats just ridiculous. if drugs are regulated then consumers will have to show identification verifying they are of age. doctors dont even ask your age before the put you on addictive narcotics like zanax, morphine, oxycottin, or anything else that they think might help your problem.

  12. Jon Huntsman…Please the guy is so desperate he makes fake attack ads against him self in other candidates names hoping to be noticed. Again Romney and Paul are only two who can get the nomination Sanatorium has no money and organization, the rest have no support, money or organization. Huntsman in Iowa a state of 8 million people got 58 votes.

    Ron Paul has been sponsoring or co sponsoring legislation to legalize weed for longer than many here have been alive.

    If we don’t support him now we deserve the persecution we current suffer under!

  13. I will NOT vote for a candidate on a single issue, but folks who favor cruel prohibition and think the word god on our money refers only to their interpretation of the word have two strikes against against them in my book.

  14. Ron Paul 2012! Hes the only realistic front runner of the GOP party that would bring some common sense change to our marijuana policies. He is 100% in favor to give the states the right to regulate marijuana. He has co-sponserd a bill with Rep Barney Frank to get the feds out of the marijuana business. Paul also supports medical marijuana and hemp.

  15. Ron Paul 2012.FOR MY 3 children.For my brother in law in PRISON for a quarter bag of weed.For his 3 children under 4.For my mother on oxycodone for pain.For me and other farmers interested in growing industrial hemp.

  16. People are still throwing money on Ron Paul’s sinking ship? Not that I can fault them for it, most of Paul’s supporters have severe untreated mental illness, but it hurts me to see them throw their money away like that.

  17. The hell withe federal government. Vote legalization of mj at a state level to force a supreme court decision!

  18. Ron Paul was kicking ass and taking names in tonights debate regarding the war on drugs!!!! The rest of those plastic people just stood there with their jaws open.

  19. Mitt Romney is absolutely 100% against legalizing cannabis. But in tonights debate he said this on another subject – contraception:


    If you asked any devout Christian in any religion “OK, you have a choice: only one can be legal and only one can be illegal. Marijuana or contraception. Choose one.

    The Christians would say “No brainer, legalize weed.”

    I think we should hold Willard Mitt Romney to the same standard regarding weed.

  20. We are so sick and tired of this tag-your-it attitude when it comes to pick-a-president tactics; we use, when we want stuff fixed right away, quick fast and in a hurry?

    When we are moving so fast; that, we miss hearing the birds or smell the flowers, give a dog or cat a pat; grab a hotdog, a pop and sit with a friend on the park bench, smoke a joint and enjoy each others company.

    This government is not te government of 30 years ago, and we have come a long way since then, but to see our the government come crashing down on itself because betrayal, treason, lying, and Blue Collar Stealing; the injustice it has done on the mental, physical spiritual; and the emotional damage done to the people who have served them faithfully over decades.

    This is what we get for not speaking up for our liberties…for Blacks and people of color, is the Constitution in your favor or in the favor of the Blue Bloods?

    We know the rights of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights….they have never really protected the people of color or Blacks, except when it is all in their favor to do so; like pulling teeth, 4 at a time!

    I love Ron Paul too, and I pray his wisdom, his medical know-how, and his sense of the Consitution will carry us and him over the Top! We just don’t want to ride any kind of horse into a trench…because of another plot or event before the trees, nobody saw it coming!

    Take it with a grain of salt; We ALL have been in invisible shackles long enough, and enough is enough!!! TAKE BACK AMERICA THE LAND THAT WE ALL LOVE! FIGHT FOR YOUR LIBERITY AND THE PURSUTE OF HAPPINESS.

    Let’s start WEEDING every controling cancers, out of our Government and out of our Country. Bless them that are going out, shut the door behind them! and be thankful and call on the name YahuShua Ha Meshiach! This is our Land!!!! YahuShua Ben YahuWah!

  21. To all you folks who talk a mean game: The ONLY candidate who gives legalization a chance is Ron Paul. He wants what we talk about, peace, freedom and less government. If you wimp out now you deserve what you get.

  22. with politicians it is hard to tell if what they say will turn into what they do (often it does not ). I think you should send a message that there is votes in being sensible about drugs but it may not bear fruits until after the election. Best to concentrate all efforts on full legalisation in CA – if you can achieve this then things will change quickly (worldwide !).
    (I am not a US citizen but people all around the world people look to the USA for a lead on this matter and wish you all well in 2012 – thanks again)

  23. Personally i believe marijuana should be legalized. At its illegal stage now its already one of the biggest cash crops in the united states. Imagine the huge boost our economy would get if we had some strict rules laws and regulations to overlook it. First off it could create a huge demand in jobs for both citizens and the government. Think about it for civilians it would open up jobs for farmers, distributors, vendors and so forth. Now limit it to 400 plants growing operation. The amount of New jobs that would be available on the farming level alone could all but eliminate unemployment. Then on the government side you have New local jobs now opening up making sure all the farmers are staying within those standards. Make them go to school before they can start growing. Make it that they have to use all organic while growing, no need to add harmful chemicals to such a harmless plant. Put a 500 dollar growing permit that needs to be re-newed every year and then add a high tax ontop of all of it.
    People are going to buy it regardless. Id rather have the money American citizens are spending to stay here. We can focus government forces on hard harmful drugs that have to be imported like cocane heroin and other harmful home made drugs like met and all. in the end i believe if we were to legalize it we could cut off alot of funding for mafia and cartels because all of a sudden this market they have their hands in won’t matter because you could go to your local dispenser buy it there and use the money made off of taxes from it we can use to get our national dept lowered. sadly the only way i see this happening is to get the old members of congress and senate out and getting in a younger generation who have their future to look forward to. not the ones who already have their retirement set up and are in there to get money for the companies that sponsor them.

  24. ron paul is a rodeo clown for the right.. he purpously delegitimizes issues like the fed and marijuana by saying crazy shit like ” if you elect me im gona tear apart the department of edication” hes just like those 911 guys who would accouciate them selves other people who beleave 911 was a false flag attack, then say crazy shit like ” it was a misssil” or ” it was a giant hologram man”…. I hate ron paul!!! there i said it, he is a fundementalist christen who even though he says the word liberty like its a nerveous tick he can get rid of, would push his views on you so fast it would make your head spin, if you elect him president, he will change his mind on pot” and probably everything else” not that hes much worse than obama at this point, I just know the man is a racist phony!!!!!

  25. Don’t worry Russel the department of edication is safe, it’s the department of education Ron Paul wants to cut 😉

  26. Truthfully, as much as I’d like to see marijuana legalized for ALL adults, I have to wonder how effective he would be if he hasn’t been able to persuade any meaningful change in all the years he’s supposedly supported legalizing marijuana.

    And I’m not sure if I want ALL drugs legalized. I support mj legalization because mj is a sustainable habit, and I believe that access to mj would divert a lot of people away from seeking alcohol or hard drugs. But making easy access to hard drugs to me isn’t a good idea.

    And, most importantly, I’m in favor of small government in a lot of ways, except when it comes to the environment, where I think government needs to stand up for the restivus against big oil and other big companies that would trash the environment for a profit.

    Bottom line, I’ll take a protected environment over marijuana legalization, as if the two were mutually exclusive.

  27. update: recently sanctorum was caught by the ssdp group saying The government doesn’t jail non-violent drug offenders.




  29. I dont think that Ron could abolish the Fed,but he could certainly audit the Fed. He definitely could help repair and reconstruct the dam. And unlike all the younger hatchlings that are respectively worrying about their reputations and futures…Ron has already been their and done that.
    The convictions are already in place. Now it’s a matter of inacting them.

    By the way, ABC is still too scared to even show a clip of Ron…unlike Romney or Newt…so sad, pathetic and PREDICTABLE

  30. It is a pity how his legislation is bottled up in Lamar Smith’s house committee stillborn!

  31. The simple fact is all politicians need money. If it comes from Big Pharma and drug cartels, it doesn’t matter. Whoever has the money and power gets the laws and policy agreements they want. The only way to oppose these groups is to amass more money and power. Don’t think, for a moment, that the drug cartels aren’t heavily investing in American politics to keep the status quo. Stick together! Write letters!! Invest in your own freedom!!!

  32. To all of you mouthing Ron Paul you are fucking stupid he is the smartest and most honest person we have ever had in politics and he actually wants to get something done. If there are too many of you stupid people out there Mitt Romney is going to get elected and 4 more years will be just enough to finish our country off for good its already so bad it will be almost impossible for even Ron Paul to fix it. So if your not voting for Ron Paul because your waiting for things to be magically fixed by some hero you are going to be waiting a long while. Come on this is our last chance guys!

  33. By the time I was done reading this I was red. Newt Gingrich is an idiot and Jefferson and Washington would laugh at him for trying to run for anything. I would really like to kick these guys in the balls. They are nothing but more political douches. I don’t see how anyone could vote for anyone other than Ron Paul the guy sticks out like a sore thumb he actually reminds me of real people and not someone that was invented by a panel of experts.

  34. A president doesn’t need to change drug laws to make leeway into State Regulation. The President can simply decide where his cabinet heads concentrate their efforts. The Gov’t doesn’t enforce their.own immigration law. They can simply not prosecute, or investigate MJ offences, unless they lead to other more onerous drugs that lead to prosecution.

  35. Mitt’s been my boy for the past four years, until i found out his ugly inaccurate views of Mary Jane.

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