Kansas City: Mayor’s Office Accepting Applications from Those Seeking Pardons for Marijuana Convictions

Kansas City, MO: The Kansas City Mayor’s Office has launched an online system to facilitate the process of pardoning those with low-level marijuana convictions. Those seeking pardons may apply online through the city’s website.

City Mayor Quinton Lucas had previously pledged to pardon past offenders, stating that those with low-level convictions should not have to "live with that stigma."

Upon launching the new program, he added: "I want to empower people to be able to find work, take care of their families, make a decent living and every day we will find ways to make their effort to do that in Kansas City just a little bit easier. This is but one step."

An estimated 5,000 local residents have received criminal convictions for marijuana possession since 2008. In 2017, voters approved a municipal ballot measure decriminalizing marijuana possession offenses involving 35 grams or less.

For more information, visit NORML Kansas City.