Case Report: CBD-Dominant Extracts Effectively Manage Symptoms in Autistic Patient

Toronto, Canada: The twice-daily administration of plant-derived CBD-dominant extracts is “an effective treatment for managing symptoms associated with autism,” according to a case report published in the journal Cureus

A team of Canadian investigators documented the treatment of a nine-year old patient diagnosed with nonverbal autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The patient received twice-daily dosing of a high-CBD/low-THC extract oil. 

Researchers reported, “The child patient responded positively to the introduction of CBD oil treatment with reduced negative behaviors, better sleep, and improved communication.” No adverse side-effects were reported. 

They concluded, “With the increasing clinical studies on the use of cannabidiol in treating patients with mood disorders, anxiety, chronic pain conditions, and other behavioral problems, it should be considered as a treatment option in managing symptoms related to autism.”

The findings are consistent with several other studies similarly reporting improvements in pediatric patients’ ASD symptoms following the use of cannabinoid products, particularly CBD-rich extracts. Survey data published in 2021 by the publication Autism Parenting Magazine reported that 22 percent of US caregivers or parents have provided CBD to an autistic child. Survey data from the United Kingdom recently reported that autistic adults were nearly four times as likely as controls to report having used CBD within the past year.

Full text of the study, “Cannabidiol in the treatment of autism spectrum disorder: A case study,” appears in Cureus. Additional information on cannabis and ASD is available from NORML.