Review: Clinical Trial Data Establishes Efficacy of Cannabinoids to Treat Chronic Pain, Aid Sleep

Toronto, Canada: Cannabis compounds are effective at mitigating chronic neuropathic pain and improving sleep, according to a review of randomized controlled trial data published in the journal Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine

A team of Canadian researchers evaluated results from nine trials that compared synthetic and natural cannabinoids to placebo in patients suffering from neuropathic pain syndromes. 

They reported: “Meta-analysis of data from six studies showed that cannabinoids were associated with a significant improvement in sleep quality. Meta-analysis of data from eight studies showed a significant reduction in daily pain scores in the cannabinoid group.”

Authors concluded: “Cannabinoids have a role in treating chronic neuropathic pain as evidenced by significant improvements in sleep quality, pain intensity, and PGIC [Patients’ Global Impression of Change scale]. More research is needed to comprehensively evaluate the impact of cannabinoids on sleep health and analgesic efficacy.”

Survey data consistently reports that patients who use cannabis products typically do so to mitigate chronic pain and improve sleep. Among patients in US states where medical cannabis access is permitted, over 60 percent are qualified to use it to treat pain.

Full text of the study, “Evaluating the impact of cannabinoids on sleep health and pain in patients with chronic neuropathic pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,” appears in Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine. Additional information on cannabis and chronic pain is available from NORML’s publication, Clinical Applications for Cannabis & Cannabinoids.