Survey: Middle-Aged Women Report Using Cannabis to Mitigate Symptoms of Menopause

Edmonton, Canada: Canadian women frequently report consuming cannabis products to ease symptoms related to menopause, according to survey data published in the journal BMJ Open.

Investigators affiliated with the University of Alberta surveyed cannabis use trends in a cohort of nearly 1,500 women aged 35 or older. 

Among those respondents who reported being current cannabis users, many indicated that they consumed marijuana products to improve menopause-related symptoms, such as joint achiness and sleep disturbances. Most women said that they had not discussed their use with their health care providers.

“Our survey established that women are using cannabis for symptoms during the menopause transition,” authors concluded. “Information about cannabis was more frequently accessed through online searches and personal contacts, with limited involvement of healthcare providers. … In general, many women in our survey reported cannabis was helpful for their symptoms. … Further research is required to investigate the efficacy and safety of cannabis on menopause symptoms and foster the development of clinical resources for women to use in making informed decisions around cannabis for medical purposes.”

The findings are consistent with those of prior surveys from the United States estimating that nearly 30 percent of middle-aged women who use cannabis do so to mitigate menopause-related symptoms. 

Full text of the study, “Cannabis use for menopause in women aged 35 and over: A cross-sectional survey on usage patterns and perceptions in Alberta, Canada,” appears in BMJ Open.