New York

Andrew Cuomo (D)

New York

Took Office 2011
Term Expires 2022
NORML Grade: A-

2019 Enacted Legislation

Governor Cuomo signed Assembly Bill 8420-A into law in 2019, which significantly reduced penalties for low-level marijuana possession offenses, expanded the state’s existing decriminalization law, and facilitated a process for the automatic review and expungement of criminal records involving offenses specific to the possession of up to 25 grams of cannabis. (Link)

2019 Vetoed Legislation



Governor Cuomo publicly voiced support in 2019 for the passage of legislation legalizing adult-use marijuana possession and regulating the plant’s commercial production and retail sale. He included legalization language in his 2019 state budget proposal, but these provisions were ultimately rejected by lawmakers. In his 2020 State of the State address, he reiterated his support for adult-use legalization and he is once again pushing to include legalization as part of his 2020 budget plan.
"Let’s legalize adult-use cannabis, working with neighboring states to coordinate a safe and fair system. And let’s create a Global Cannabis and Hemp Research Center with SUNY so New York can lead the way." (Link)

"I believe the budget is the opportunity, frankly, to make some tough decisions and work through tough issues that without the budget can often languish, and I suggest that we get it done in the budget." (Link)

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