Inventor of "synthetic pot" / "K2" / "Spice" says legalize the natural marijuana

We get many comments on our stories about K2/Spice, the chemical “JWH-018” and others like it that the media have dubbed “fake pot” or “synthetic marijuana.” The reason there is even such a chemical is that the scientist who invented it, John W. Huffman, could not get access to natural cannabis to study cannabinoids. Now he’s telling ABC News what we’ve been saying for decades: prohibition creates more dangerous drugs!

(ABC News) now that “Spice” and other forms of imitation pot are sending users to emergency rooms across America, the retired professor has an idea of how to stem the epidemic. If the federal government would legalize the real thing, says Huffman, maybe consumers wouldn’t turn to the far more dangerous fake stuff.
Huffman, who developed more than 400 “cannabinoids” as an organic chemist at Clemson University, says that marijuana has the benefit of being a known quantity, and not a very harmful one. We know the biological effects of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, Huffman told ABC News, because they have been thoroughly studied. “The scientific evidence is that it’s not a particularly dangerous drug,” said Huffman.
“I talked to a marijuana provider from California, a doctor, a physician,” explained Huffman, “and he said that in California, that these things are not near the problem they are in the rest of the country simply because they can get marijuana. And marijuana, even for recreational use is quite easy to get in California, and it’s essentially decriminalized. And marijuana is not nearly as dangerous as these compounds.”

54 thoughts

  1. Without access to the ‘real thing’ for months, I tried k2 and spice and while the effects were similar, I could feel a noticeable difference in how it made me feel after I had come down. I feel like parts of my brain are missing… I truly regret using K2 and Spice, because I really don’t feel the same after using it.

  2. When you tell people they can`t have something,even the ones who don`t use it will.
    About time our Goverment at least decriminaliz Marijuana.let the state handle how they want,taxes,ect.

  3. As a head-shop employee, I get asked everyday whether or not we carry the stuff. For anyone that will listen, everyone who works here has been trying to educate our patrons on the hazards of that stuff. Here in FL, many people have turned to it because of the severity of the states marijuana laws and most people don’t understand the risks associated with it. For the most part, there are a lot who don’t care, but for those of us who are looking for the medical benefits of cannabis, anaphylactic shock or death just aren’t an options. All in all, I’m happy that the mainstream news is saying something about it. It isn’t an answer to cannabis being illegal, ending prohibition is.

  4. Just an fyi, as an advocate, patient, and a former collective Manager, I have familarized myself with the laws here in California quite extensively, and your last paragraph completely criminalizes the scientists Dr. Friend….in the first sentence he’s quoted saying “I talked to a marijuana provider from california, a doctor, a physician.” Dr’s in california are strictly prohibited from being involved in providing Marijuana….they are simply to recommend the use of it. The law is specific…Dr’s are even restricted from providing a list of safe access collectives… just a heads up, you might want to change that to read “I talked to a Medical Provider”

  5. i agree 100% with this statement. prohibition does lead to more erous drugs because i personally got ahold of jwh-018 and it did have some bizzare effects and makes people very parinoid and crazy. go Huffman!

  6. april 9th i almost lost my bf she jumped out of out moving suv at 50.she is lucky she is alive she has major head injures and broke her face to hips she still trying to get threw this incident.she was smoking cloud 10 that night and everyday if she could,i would agree to make this illegal and marajuania legal,you’l never know the side effects till it happns to you,or how hard it is to see someone you love have a side effect that bad that day we all lost our lives her to live our to help

  7. Good luck getting the Feds to listen to reason. This guy’s a professor. That means he’s got to be liberal, as all colleges and universities are filled with liberals. The fact that he’s a genius, proven by his discoveries, mean nothing to politicians who are not creative and couldn’t create their own products if their lives depended on it. They’re rich bastards, can manage companies, but by no means can actually think up and create the products the companies make. They just like being in charge of the money and telling everyone how to run their lives. Logic and reason do not matter to them, unless of course it gets them votes so they can stay elected and stay in charge of the money and keep telling everyone how to live their lives.
    No shit.

  8. “prohibition creates more dangerous drugs!”
    This has been obvious to me for many years. It continues to amaze me that our nation’s leaders are too stupid to realize it… Well, some of them are aware of it but just want to keep their profit margins up…

  9. Am I missing something? Why do the prohibitionists say “you can’t pick which laws you want to obey and which to ignore” yet they pick and choose.
    Copy/paste wiki cause it says what I wanted to say and ‘I r lazy’: While the Controlled Substances Act was being drafted in a House committee in 1970, Assistant Secretary of Health Roger O. Egeberg had recommended that marijuana temporarily be placed in Schedule I, the most restrictive category of drugs, pending the Commission’s report. On March 22, 1972, the Commission’s chairman, Raymond P. Shafer, presented a report to Congress and the public entitled “Marijuana, A Signal of Misunderstanding,” which favored ending marijuana prohibition and adopting other methods to discourage use.
    So if the rules were temp place cannabis till Shafer reported back, which he did, and then put it where he said to.
    If I read the reports correctly and heard him correctly in recorded statements; they believe Cannabis should be DE-scheduled and there should be no criminal aspect to the plant.
    So why is this not the focus of everyone’s attention? This was the rule and they chose not to follow it. But that doesn’t make the ruling less valid does it? The US AG should be forced to de-schedule based on the Shafer Commissions report alone.
    Or, like I asked earlier, am I missing something?

  10. Yup. And when marijuana is legalized, rates of alcohol abuse (and thus rates of domestic violence, divorce, fatal crashes, liver failures and other preventable health problems, depression, suicide, accidents resulting in hospitalizations, gun violence, etc, etc) will also decrease.
    The bottom line is that people will always get intoxicated. It’s better that they do so with something relatively safe, such as marijuana.

  11. Why would anybody be stupid enough to try fake marijuana? Legalize the real stuff and move on to other pressing matters.

  12. Even if, Marijuana saved every Congressman’s Mother and Father and every Supreme court’s Mother and Father and eased their suffering and all of mankind’s suffering and turned the economy around and made the World a much safer place. The Federal government still will not change their stance on Prohibition.Why not? Because I truly believe that they enjoy having that control of the misery factor over us.They would rather see all of us homeless,starving,bankrupt,unemployed,killing each other in the streets,you name it,they are not going to change unless we can turn the tables on them.I truly believe the Feds would and will go down on a sinking vessel holding on to their well orchestrated unconstitutional delusions,they will never admit they were wrong.Well the whole world knows how corrupt they are now.

  13. I wanted to try this but it was illegal by the time I knew it was legal in my state.
    I did try Salvia Divinorium and that trip, even though I think should still be legal, but it threw me for a hard loop. Might have been I took too much (.5 grams in one hit) but I had a “bad trip” I thought I was in some war and the world was going to end. I could look to my right and be out of it all and back to reality, but then I was drawn by something to look left. where I went back into that state.
    It was a nightmare that I was luckily blessed and a friend called and said he had an extra oz. or AK-47 that lifted me back to normal. Still the rest of my day was twisted by that Salvia haha.
    I think the government should stop taking bribes to continue this drug war and quit profiting or sucking the blood out of “True American Life”
    Somethings gotta change.

  14. Marijuana poses a grave danger to the profits of Big Pharma, and for that reason it will never be legalized by legislators, governors, or presidents.
    Legalization will eventually be accomplished by way of referendum or other ballot issues voted on by the people themselves. Then the elected government will try to find ways to thwart the expressed will of the people, as they have done recently in Montana.
    But eventually and inevitably, the will of the people will prevail. There is still a long, long way to go, however.

  15. I used JWH-018 and 122.
    These compounds are far more intense in their effects, but 018 got me feeling waaay too high a few times. 122 makes me feel just right.
    Being an experienced Cannabis user I was able to compare the effects. The reports of users freaking out and having reactions definitely makes sense, because these are powerful substances. That intense effects do not last more than an hour if it happens. It seems like this chemical is processed differently, and you can take too much at once and get nauseous for sure, feelings of doom, etc. Powerful stuff. Humbling.
    I did notice that I’m just not that into smoking weed anymore, at least the stuff I have access to. It makes me too hyped up, too energetic. I feel above everyone.
    With the 122, I feel like I’m with everyone.
    It also treats my depression better than the Zoloft 150mg/day which I also take while smoking jwh-122 exclusively.
    I want to write Dr. Huffman to let him know how much I appreciate his works. Here is his page:

  16. My guess is that government wants to rack up a few fatalities using this fake stuff to promote their agenda. Then they can say this is the reason why the real stuff is outlawed. Of course the sheeple of main st. USA will buy into that lie. In the interim, its sad that I know people that turn to these synthetics for relief not because the want to – but because they are forced to by the threat of a dirty UA (and dismissal) as an employee.

  17. I realize this is a pro-marijuana site where we talk about pot in the comments, but can I make the point that the fact that they are including Salvia w/K2 in a lot of instances is absurd?

  18. How do you end America’s longest war that is an abject failure? No, not Afghanistan. This month marks the 40th anniversary of the day Richard Nixon launched the “War on Drugs.” And now, four decades later, it would be impossible to invent a more complete failure.
    About $1 trillion has been spent on the war. Millions of citizens who pose no threat to anyone have been incarcerated in prison. Some 2.3 million now overcrowd America’s prisons — 25 percent of whom have been arrested for nonviolent drug crimes.
    Our neighbors to the south — Mexico and Colombia — are being torn about by gang violence and corruption. In Afghanistan, where our soldiers risk their lives, fully one-third to one-half of the entire economy is generated by the opium and heroin trade. All of this is in reaction to nonviolent acts that were not even crimes a century ago.
    Yet despite this, drugs are just as available and cheaper than they were 40 years ago. As the U.S. drug czar, Gil Kerlikowske, concluded: “In the grand scheme, it has not been successful. Forty years later, the concern about drugs and the drug problem is, if anything, magnified, intensified.”
    And the war’s casualties are mounting. The war on drugs turned, early on, into a new Jim Crow offensive against people of color. Although whites abuse drugs at higher rates than African-Americans, African-Americans are incarcerated at 10 times the rate of whites for drug offensives. Millions have been deprived of the right to vote for being convicted of nonviolent crimes. Hundreds of thousands have died and millions suffered because the drug war made treating addiction as a public health problem more difficult.
    Now the state fiscal crisis is forcing states — even states as conservative as Texas — to empty overcrowded prisons and seek alternatives to incarceration. Yet the war goes on, the money is wasted, the violence and corruption escalates, and more lives are ruined.
    In a new report, the Global Commission on Drug Policy calls for admitting that the war is a failure and turning instead to dealing with drugs as a public health problem.

  19. @12 ND’s point was good:
    “… when marijuana is legalized, rates of alcohol abuse (and thus rates of domestic violence, divorce, fatal crashes, liver failures and other preventable health problems, depression, suicide, accidents resulting in hospitalizations, gun violence, etc, etc) will also decrease.”
    Note that Big pHARMa, divorce lawyers, new car dealers, psychiatrists etc. all make money off these alcohol disasters which are in danger of drastic decrease once herb is legalized.
    @14 Razor said, “I truly believe that they enjoy having that control of the misery factor over us.” I disagree, I think they are just afraid to contradict their tax-and-campaign-money sponsors (alcohol, tobacco, pharma etc.). This is analogous to the accusation of “Greed” one hears– the true meaning of the word Greed is Agreed, i.e. you have borrowed money and Agreed to repay, this will make you crave money, no?
    Actually I think the pols, from Obama on down, will be relieved when cannabis is legal (without them having to take the blame) and they are out from under this cloud of guilt for helping alcohol, tobacco, pharma etc. kill all those millions. Let’s proceed to “put them out of their misery”.
    @15 Justin: I haven’t had a shot at any S. divinorum (just regular garden sage is very good by the way) but yes, you “took too much (.5 grams in one hit)”– give it a fair chance and try 25 mg in a ONE-HITTER (see “Make Smoke Pipes From Everyday Objects”).
    @16 Truthandconsequences: “Marijuana poses a grave danger to the profits of Big Pharma.” You’re correct– but check out the whole sequence:
    a. Big Alcohol: binge drinking exposes youngsters to “side stream smoke” from $igarette smokers, then well-meant advice to self-medicate your hangover with “a $igarette or two”… first thing you know, hooked for life!
    b. Big 2WackGo: spend $3650 a year (New York City) for a pack-a-day habit, over $100,000 in a few decades, THEN guess what–
    c. Big pHARMa: you need Lipitor, hospital, surgery etc., another $100,000 worth, to get through your LAST decade!
    d. Oh yes, the sooner you die, the bigger a funeral chapel it will take to squeeze in your friends, a Big Payoff for God and/or his priests.

  20. @12 ND’s point was good:
    “… when marijuana is legalized, rates of alcohol abuse (and thus rates of domestic violence, divorce, fatal crashes, liver failures and other preventable health problems, depression, suicide, accidents resulting in hospitalizations, gun violence, etc, etc) will also decrease.”
    Note that Big pHARMa, divorce lawyers, new car dealers, psychiatrists etc. all make money off these alcohol disasters which are in danger of drastic decrease once herb is legalized.
    @14 Razor said, “I truly believe that they enjoy having that control of the misery factor over us.” I disagree, I think they are just afraid to contradict their tax-and-campaign-money sponsors (alcohol, tobacco, pharma etc.). This is analogous to the accusation of “Greed” one hears– the true meaning of the word Greed is Agreed, i.e. you have borrowed money and Agreed to repay, this will make you crave money, no?
    Actually I think the pols, from Obama on down, will be RELIEVED when cannabis is legal (without them having to take the blame) and they are out from under this cloud of guilt for helping alcohol, tobacco, pharma etc. kill all those millions. So let’s proceed to “put them out of their misery”.
    @15 Justin: I haven’t had a shot at any S. divinorum (just regular garden sage is very good by the way) but yes, you “took too much (.5 grams in one hit)”– give it a fair chance and try 25 mg in a ONE-HITTER (see “Make Smoke Pipes From Everyday Objects”).
    @16 Truthandconsequences: “Marijuana poses a grave danger to the profits of Big Pharma.” You’re correct– but check out the whole sequence:
    a. Big Alcohol: binge drinking exposes youngsters to “side stream smoke” from $igarette smokers, then well-meant advice to self-medicate your hangover with “a $igarette or two”… first thing you know, hooked for life!
    b. Big 2WackGo: spend $3650 a year (New York City) for a pack-a-day habit, over $100,000 in a few decades, THEN guess what–
    c. Big pHARMa: you need Lipitor, hospital, surgery etc., another $100,000 worth, to get through your LAST decade!
    d. Oh yes, the sooner you die, the bigger a funeral chapel it will take to squeeze in your friends, a Big Payoff for God and/or his Priests. Good $luck!

  21. The “War on Drugs” would be a failure if it’s ultimate purpose was to actually curb or stop drug use, but that’s obviously not the case. Feign public stupidity or ignorance while the gears of capital grind on.

  22. Of course leglize cannabis,it is alot better than any
    synthetic “pot”. I would not use any of this, only because, I don’t know what is in it!

  23. Just wanted to chime in with my 2 cents……
    I was in a near fatal car accident a few years ago and broke many bones including my back in 5 places, i have fully recovered thankfully. And the whole cause was alcohol, it was not blamed on the alcohol as it was my fault for lack of responsibility. I dont understand how “weed” can be the problem esp considering if anything it causes more methodical thinking, caring, as well as many other good things. The ppl r the problem not the drugs. They dont blame big macs for makin ppl fat its the ppls faults for eatin too many.
    Anyways back to my point, i have had pretty severe chronic pain from my injuries. The doctors wanted to keep me on narcotics (percs, oxys, etc) for life but i did not want to be a socially accepted junkie utterly addicted to this “legal heroin”, so i turned to weed to help get me through day to day life and it helped. I can happily say i am on no narcotics.
    But i live in PA and got another dui recently (yeah i know im dumb i learned my lesson this time) anyways i was placed on house arrest for 6 months and probation for 3-5 yrs. I turned to “legal weed” to help get me through it all.
    I find that it helps alot but i do not like ingesting unknown chemicals…while ive found that some brands r seemingly safer and more “herbal” than others they still seem to have addictive properties. I just hate that im forced to choose between “legal heroin” and “legal weed” to help me enjoy life without being in pain 24/7. This to me shows a complete lack of respect for the people and a complete loss of wat this country was founded on…Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness in this land of “freedom” It is completely morally degregated to the point that we cant even keep our urine private…if i were a drug addict i could understand somewhat but im not…u gotta pee in a cup to get a job but not for unemployment, welfare, etc…drug testing for a job makes no sense, if theyre messed up at work they should be fired but if its somethin they did in their own time thats their own business

  24. Amen to the comments about legalizing marajuana would free this country from pharmaceutical abuse!!! I work in the health care field. Has anyone read information about what most of those drugs sold do to a person’s body and brain. Pharmaceuticals should be used as a life saving strategy only and in severe let me repeat severe psychiatric circumstance. These people or groups trying to enslave the American people are doing so by selling us dangerous and addicting drugs, taxing us to an unbelievable amount and dangling debt in front of our face as if it were some great idea! We now work to pay banks, government, insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies. As Americans we know what we need to do. We need to get back to being a free country.

  25. Remember the courage of fifty six men who risked there lives to stand up for and execute the Declaration of Independence.
    Marajuana is not illegal because they think it is dangerous or deadly.
    The substances they force on us are deadly.
    Aspartame, Floride and Growth Hormones to name only three. Then their are more. Please take the time to look up and read about these three especially before you drink or eat your next sugar free item, drink tap water or a glass of cow’s milk, etc.
    There are a powerful group of people that have not proven to have any regard for the human race/humanity or Mother Earth. This is dangerous.
    Let us find our courage, our unity and our determination.
    Let’s organize and unite!!! The election is coming.
    Forget the people the media places in your face on your tv and tells you that is your only choice.
    Who can we chose?
    Let’s change together.
    Remember humanity, our lives and our blessed world.

  26. Just saw the most ignorant porttrayol of someone smokin pot on the wayans brother show called high life educate yourselves dnt embarass yourselves stoners r successfull people N THIS GREAT COUNTRY WE LIVE N LEGALIZE IT

  27. “The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) routinely and stringently used the ‘Principle of Substantial Equivalence’ (PSE) for decades to assure the public of the safety of foods and drugs marketed in the US. PSE refers only to the product and not the process of its production. On account of the high standards of FDA’s regulatory oversight, most other countries generally approve drugs and pharmaceuticals on the basis of FDA’s approval.”
    This is how the FDA claims that GM (Genetically Modified) plants/foods are legal and need no disclaimer or explanation to the general public.
    That being said, wouldn’t this “Principle” also imply that if the government is allowing a company to legally produce an equivalent substance from a plant, then anyone should be able to produce the actual plant that is being modified ? And if said substance is for medical applications and schedule 3, why in the world would the real substance they are attempting to create be classified as schedule 1 ?

  28. i wanna tell you all, i cannot consume the remedy (as i call it ) to keep my job in florida. i am pretty much consumed in alcohol. i do consume the plastic herb (k2 types ) to get by. it all sucks. i dont feel right in doing so. i am so much more a functional human being when i could could consume cannabis. i felt so much better because the test of time proved beyond a shadow of a doubt it was safer and, truly added to a better quality of life for a wacko such as myself. i have been responsible in its use and have raised an awesome family and worked all my adult life to pay my way. this feeling really sucks compared to the wholeness the the remedy gives. we must do this together somehow. alcohol and ( the plastic ) will destroy us which, im beginning to think is what our wonderful government wants of us. come on folks, we got to come together…drug tested in florida….peace to you all..

  29. It is nice to hear similar opinions! Pretty much sucks being in a red state, knowing I’ll be one of the last states to finally recognize medicinal marijuana. I am as well one of the victims of fake weed, using serenity, ultimate spice and head trip guiltily, trying to similate just plain cannabis… It makes no sense how ass backwards the government is when it comes to 1 drugs, 2 priorities 3 finances! !!! 1 schedule one, marijuana…..really? Come on government … really? With fucking heroine? 2 so how many more despensaries are you going to raid while someones family is slaughtered by a real murdering criminal? 3 MARIJUANA IS THE NUMBER ONE CASH CROP IN THE U.S.A.

  30. It would make sense to legalize marijuana to stop the fake stuff from being so popular,also to cut some of the mexican cartels profits,But when was the last time the government did anything to make sense.

  31. I smoked legal buds a few nights ago. It was the worst experience of my life. I have smoked mj for over 20 years and I love it. I do not like alcohol much at all. It makes me feel and act stupid and I can’t stand to be around drunk people. They are very annoying. My sister was killed by a drunk driver. I’ve never seen anyone be nearly as annoying or dangerous when they smoke weed. It makes no sense why weed is not completely legal.
    anyways, when I tried legal buds I took 2 very small hits.. I felt it immediately. It was not a good feeling like real weed is. I felt extreme fear for no reason. My vision started to go crazy and things sounded more intense and meaningful. I don’t normally watch tv much but I remember thinking I was on a new more superior level of understanding but then I realized I didn’t even understand what they were saying so how could I understand better than normally? I felt retarded. Everything was scary as hell. I couldn’t remember where I got the stuff, who I smoked it with or where. I threw up like crazy. The next day I felt completely tramatized. My throat hurt like hell and I was super dehydrated. I think it will make me shudder with disgust whenever I think of it for the rest of my life. Don’t ever try it. Fight to legalize real weed.

  32. It’s really the amount you consume, it is a Chemical that is being highly frowned upon by government and special interest groups. If scientist were given the ability to produce a test this like any other drug you would be able to say worst experience ever. If you are smart it’s no different if you try to go hard you go crazy. As a side note found out a cool website check it out

  33. What is the matter with all of you? just because k2 is not in your life does not give you any reason to come start a war on those who choose to do it. It will not reach kids as long as it is regulated which it was pre law now drug dealers carry it right next to the meth! Good job retarded pta mom! Freedom is something I plan on keeping if you would like to give yours away please feel free to do that alone instead of now ruining so many peoples lives including children along with all other walks of life getting not only a felony charge, jail time, and even a ridiculous fine which pre law here was a city ordinance first off. 250 2nd 1500 (how did they get that number?). What makes you better than I? I have smoked k regularly for over 2 yrs now and would laugh at any of you telling me that you are looking out for my health whenever I have had a six pack since high school started, my iq is above any of our presidents throughout history, and I haveevery right to choose what I like and do not like. Now I decided I like k, yet those who don,t say it is dangerous yet the arguement to illegilize it is because there have been no studies done so how can you dem it as harmful or not without4 proper proof? I’m sorry but less than 3000 total recorded hospitilizations for one year is not enough to start a drug war while alcohol which is claiming 400,000 lives a year not hospitilizations but deaths and then combine that to cigs with over 200,000 recorded deaths related and now you have me pissed, why don’t you people worry about real problems like poverty or maybe the molestation of young boys by catholic priests or hell why not even go fight the government officials who are corrupt like our presidential candidates getting paid 1.5 million to tweet about reeses? I work a real job that requires actual labor rather than these countless made up positions with ridiculous incomes to tell me I’m doing something wrong and steal the money I worked my ass off for so that they could sit in an office and judge me, how about instead of judging people we judge those who deserve it. I enjoy my freedoms and want more that I should have back, you same people were wrong to illegalize marijuana and now try to take back what you say now that science is digging up all of your scandelous lies? Will those people unjustly lost chuncks of their lives, money, and even the possibility of a whole different4 quality of life that was denied which is a direct violation of constitional rights these things can never be given back yet you take back what you say? Go fcuk yourselves marijuana should also be legalized to those who suffer from anger managment issues which is something I argued in court which is a highly aqgueable medicinal use of green and I was cut off in court and not aloud to speak again so if you suffer from anger managment join the fight to legalize the real medicine for those of us who need it. But really when it comes down to it me smoking this over here doesn’t effect anyone else whatsoever so how can you take it away without it infringing upon one of your rights by me doing it? If this is the case then since I am not reliqous should’t reliqion be illegal because you thinking that way infringes upon my rights? Which really it does considering I am judges and profiled for not thinking like the rest of you sheep. Next time you people want to violate the constitution why don’t you illegalize something real like a bank trying to physically remove a family down on their luck from the only roof they have. It seems like the law enforcement should start looking at the real criminals rather than the make believe stereotypes. Who is the bigger criminal the guy who got popped with 1g of k who is now a convicted felon or a possible president to be who embezzles millions of tax payer dollars for his own greed, gets paid 1.5 million dollars to tweeet about reeses, or what about that plane or jet he travels in to get to each speech not county the ridiculous amount of money earned just to sho1 up and speak? That is the criminal not the k2 smokers who r just trying to get a few hours of enjoyment and peace out of lives where we barely scrape by paycheck to paycheck while we work jobs where the labor is 1500% harder than any politician has ever worked in their lives. You people don’t know hardship or struggle be born into poverty and actually have to work for everything you have and not get stuck in the court sytem where they steal your money and have you jumping through hoops until they have judged you raw and profiled you to be something they say when you may not be, you don’t know me and probably never will, but yet you are still messing with my quality of life not to mention infringing upon my constitutional rights, so aren’t both of those punishable by law, the very laws used against me? If you are so gun hoe to get me then you too should face your consequence, I will be a man and face mine what will you do? It is our duty as the people to not allow these behaviors of intolerance, and punish all who have abused their power and ruined innocent lives, no matter if they be a judge, lawyer, police officer, or president, no one is above the law but we all hold it up. Please hear me out and decide if freedom means something to you because taking my k2 away would be no different from me taking coffee away from you assuming you drank a lot of coffee. It can’t get in the hands of the children, it is proven that it can harm you whether ingested and increased your heart rate or spilt you already know the consequences but I still need to parent you! Forget that my k2 has a warning label just like coffee, cigs, and alcohol so let’s argue n see how many ppl are left on the side willing to give up freedoms relevant to mine.

  34. Hey K2 is horrible. I went through hell for a couple months with the long term effects of this shit, starting in early September 2011. At the time, I didn’t know it was considered a poison. I regret that I ever did it. At first, the high was TOO intense and I couldn’t walk for a couple minutes. Then I had a panic attack while I first got high. The next morning when I woke up, I did research on it to see if anyone else felt the same experience as I did. It was then that I found out it was a deadly “heavy” drug. I couldn’t believe that I did it. The next following couple months, I had many panic attacks, and extreme anxiety as well as extreme paranoia. I did NOT feel myself at all. Maybe I was even depressed. I also started having really disturbing thoughts like: “what if this is all a dream”, or “what I’m really in a coma somewhere”. You could say that I was going insane, although I didn’t really show it. I am fine now; no more delusional thoughts or panic attacks or anxiety. I realize (now) that I was just EXTREMELY paranoid. Today, when I got home from school, there was a front page article on this shit, that described ALL the things I went through. Basically, brief insanity is a side effect of K2. Before you do it, IF you do it, think about this comment.

  35. I’ve used many of the brands of K2/Spice that have been available since they came out. Other that being harsh smoke and a little paranoid feeling a couple of times, I’ve never had any effects worse than the real stuff, nor have I known others who have. I think most of the emergency room visits were due to paranoia. There’s so much propaganda out there that people are convincing themselves of things. The handful of deaths are most likely a result of mixing numerous chemicals together, a rare allergic reaction in certain people (which can happen with anything consumed), or from taking massive amounts. On the other hand, every time some crusader passes legislation against the stuff, a new formulation has to be put out there and the consumer acts as the guinea pig. So when people get sick or die from an unknown formula, it is really the lawmakers and the people who push for these bans who are to blame. They can pass a new law every week and still won’t be able to stop it because there seems to be an infinite number of chemicals just waiting to be created. Some turn out stronger, some may be toxic, some have little effect. And the consumers will have to go to the corner drug dealer to get the known stuff. This is insanity. No store I’ve ever walked into even allow kids under 18 to enter, much less will they sell to them. They know they’re under scrutiny and and won’t take that risk. So if kids are getting it then perhaps the parents need to spend less time working on promoting prohibition and more time with their children. How is law enforcement going to enforce any of these laws when there are thousands of substances on the list? All these laws do is motivate the creation of new drugs. Prohibition does not work and just creates an underground economy. Why do we keep doing this? It makes no sense. I think some people get their high off of controlling others and dictating what other people do because their own lives are so devoid of pleasure that the only purpose in life is depriving others and punishing people for enjoying themselves. Legalize it all and stop turning people into criminals.

  36. So I have been a faithful marijuana smoker for over ten years an recenty got put on probation. An about 5 or 6 years ago diagnosed with crohns disease and advanced acid reflux. And marijuana always seemed to help when I felt like I was bout to have a relapse, wich means I would be visiting the hospital soon. Now everyone knows if u on probation in Illinois there is no medical marijuana here so I was pretty much screwed lol. Well I went out an bout some spike silver k2. Wow is all I can say almost identical to weed. Well now all the stores that used to carry k2 is been threatened an harassed by the police so much they are to scared of prosecution on something that is currently legal hear. All I hear is 1 to 99 years an class X felony. Truthfully this would not of happened if the government would have just made medical marijuana legal.
    There probally would have never had to make k2. An the cops round hear will take you to jail over a blunt roach an charge you with less than 2.5 an something like 1000 dollar fine. When they could just write a ticket instead of taking someone to jail. An instead of searching for crack or meth or heroin they go for weed cuz its easier to find. Well why do u think people moving to harder stuff? Cuz it is easier to conseal from the cops!! All this just because the cops an gov. pissed cuz someone on probation or parole can get k2 an get high!!

  37. AIDAN and JBEENZ please contact me! I have been feeling the same EXACT feeling if not worse. I feel like all this is not real at time. I smoked Spice on September 5 ,2011 and have never been the same. Its like im in a state of mind where my brain is not functioning properly, so I can’t fully process whats going on at the present time. As if this is all a dream. I am happy to hear Aidan say that it eventually goes away and I pray it and believe it WILL. I already had a mind that wondered a lot before I even smoked it and now its even worse. I know all things are possible with God and everything will be alright though. I just would love to speak with you. You can add me on facebook at or even call me 706-414-9933. I just know there are strength in numbers. Thanks for your comments.

  38. I am a 16 yr old who used to smoke mj on a regular basis unlike my peers I used it responsibly,and used it to keep my crazy,anxious,overconfident self under control. I forgot to take it out of my bag as I would always buy after school and czme to school the next day, someone in my class had a lighter he was playing with it, the teacher noticed and checked allof our rows bags.anyway long story short I was caught, was bieng tested, put in anti drug classes which cost alot of money, had to do 50+ hrs of community service, and was on probation for 6 months. I felt guilty, like I let my mom down.this all happened in april this year. I couldnt go the whole summer without so I started smoking a brand of spice called Jeffrey took a couple small hits out of a small chillum and only felt mild effects since it was my first time smoking spice and thought the effects would kick in instantly, I took a big hit and was sent into a state of neverending loop where i felt like that was the only reality i didnt know,i was real didnt remember my name or anything all i knew at the time was i had to get out everytime i came out of it it started agian until i started breathing hard and passed out throughoutt the whole trip i thought i was in hell. besides the meaningless loop all their was was a faint noise in the background that will forever haunt me after what felt like eternity i woke up from the floor of my room and i tried to conprehend what had happened my tv was broken my room had been clean before hand but now looked like a tornado had,ripped thru it lamps had been knocked over and i had a big gash on my forehead. Days later i still feel like im not completly here its creepy. Its safe to say that id rather wait 6months than use that crap that made me feel like i wss dead

  39. Yeah. And how can they allow stuff like that Scooby Snax Potpourri and such be legal? That stuff will mess you up WAY more intense than weed does for a short period. I know, I know, you’re gonna say, “But that stuff is sold as potpourri, not as a consumed product”. Well, if that stuff, as strong as it is can be sold as a legal potpourri right over the counter, then why can’t we buy weed as a legal pouporri over the counter? I know, I know, you’re gonna say, “But potpourri is for the back of the toilet”. Well, how many people do you think who buy that $10.00 little bitty pack of potpourri are gonna actually put it on the back of their toilet? It’s sold on the honor system. If you buy it, you’re not Supposed to smoke it. You’re just supposed to put it on you’re toilet. Well hell then, wrap me up some weed and label it “Potpourri” and then we can buy it and put it on our toilets…. The government is just STUPID!

  40. huffman …you a sham but listen to me one time i am native blackfeet white boy you didnt invent k.2 what you did was take my native thunder which is native indian incence and copy it devil…we native indian are the first founders of marijuana alternative and infact look what you did dip. leave our native indain wisdom alone we have never had one complaint because dum white boy we dont make our all natural patent blend ..dum evil potent because we arnt as dum as your dum white boy self you socalled scientist education is a joke bud get in your boat and get rowing we know all these native plants of 16,000,000 years you ah ha make us laugh 500 wow the nerve dum just dum native thunder is the first and is the best and is ours period dam white fork yung lier now take you joke of a education on plants and get rowing love ..werewolf native blackfeet plains people first ..ah ha k.2 first aswipe

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