Marijuana Arrests

FBI: Nearly Half of All Drug Seizures in 2021 Involved Marijuana

“It remains clear from the limited data available that marijuana seizures and prosecutions remain the primary driver of drug war enforcement in the United States and that hundreds of thousands of Americans still continue to be arrested annually for these violations despite the reality that a majority of voters no longer believe that the adult-use of marijuana should be a crime.”

Marijuana Concentrates

NORML Op-ed: Concerns Over High Potency THC Products Warrant Greater Education, Not Criminalization

Regulators and other concerned parties should seek to provide the public with more comprehensive safety information about the effects of more potent products, and they should continue to ensure that legal products do not get diverted to the youth market. Such actions will ultimately be far more productive than calling for a return to the failures of marijuana prohibition.

THC Molecule

NORML Slams Proposed Changes to Federal Drug Testing Rules to Permit Hair Follicle Analysis

“It is mind-boggling that the federal government is revisiting this half-baked proposal now. The idea of proposing a testing procedure that will inherently deny more people of color opportunities than it would others who have engaged in exactly the same activities is beyond tone deaf and counterproductive.”