Study: CBD-Rich Cannabis Products Associated with Improvements in Pain, Anxiety, and Depression in Patients with More Severe Symptoms

Montreal, Canada: The long-term use of CBD-rich cannabis products is associated with overall improvements in patients with moderate to severe anxiety, pain, and depression, according to data published in the Journal of Cannabis Research.

A team of Canadian researchers assessed the use of lab-tested, CBD-rich products over a six-month period in a cohort of 279 subjects with mild to severe symptoms. Patients with more severe symptoms exhibited clinical benefits following the use of CBD, whereas those subjects with mild symptoms experienced little overall change in their symptoms.

“This study on CBD-rich products demonstrates the potential of RWE (real-world evidence) for the advancement of medical cannabis research and practice guidelines, especially in a world where CBD use is exponentially increasing but scientific data are limited. It revealed that CBD-rich treatments have a beneficial impact on patients with self-reported moderate or severe symptoms of pain, anxiety, or depression and overall wellbeing but not in patients with mild symptoms. … The results of this study contribute to address the myths and misinformation about CBD treatment and demand further investigation.”

Full text of the study, “Cannabidiol use and effectiveness: Real-world evidence from a Canadian medical cannabis clinic,” appears in the Journal of Cannabis Research.