Responsible Marijuana Smoking: Moderation in All Things

While we now enjoy the support of a majority of the American public to end marijuana prohibition, 64 percent of those same people nonetheless still have an overall negative impression of marijuana smokers. All to often they see us as slackers who fail to live up to our full potential, and whose primary interest in life is getting stoned.

While much of that disconnect is likely the result of decades of ā€œreefer madnessā€ propaganda, some of it also results from careless conduct on the part of some marijuana smokers that reinforces those negative stereotypes. We canā€™t change the past, but we do have the ability to demonstrate by our conduct that marijuana smokers also have full, rich lives filled with family and friends, and influenced by our intellectual and professional pursuits. We are about more than just getting high.

In fact, those of us who smoke marijuana are otherwise indistinguishable from other Americans. We come in all shapes and sizes, with a full range of political beliefs and lifestyles and professional goals. For the vast majority of smokers, our use of marijuana does not define our lives; it is but one factor, including family, work, education, sports, literature, music and faith, that taken together, define who we are as individuals.

Of course, those of us who smoke enjoy the benefits of marijuana, from its relaxing qualities to its ability to allow one to become more creative, and expansive, in our thinking. I do believe that marijuana smoking plays a very positive role in my life and in my work, and I am sure many other smokers feel the same.

Everyone needs some private time, and getting ā€œhighā€ ā€” like sex ā€” is not a dirty word. There are times when we can lay aside our responsibility for a time, and enjoy the freedom of just getting high with friends. But that does not suggest that marijuana smoking should become the center of oneā€™s life, or that one should be stoned all waking hours. Most jobs and educational pursuits require a clear mind and a steady focus that are not possible if one is experiencing the short-term memory loss that is an integral part of the marijuana ā€œhigh.ā€

And a healthy family life requires shared experiences and interactions that depend on a degree of personal communication that is frequently interrupted if one of the parties is stoned. And, frankly, like most other activities in life, getting ā€œhighā€ is more pleasurable when experienced in moderation.

Principles of Responsible Marijuana Use

Here are a few common sense suggestions for enjoying marijuana in a responsible manner, which will, over time, help persuade the non-smokers that those of us who do smoke are nonetheless good, productive citizens. Many of these are based on The Principles of Responsible Cannabis Use, adopted by the NORML board of directors back in 1996, and found on the NORML website.

1. Be sensitive to the set and setting before lighting-up. A responsible marijuana consumer should be vigilant to the conditions ā€“ time, place, mood, etc. ā€“ and should not hesitate to say ā€œnoā€ when those conditions are not conductive to a safe, pleasant and/or productive experience. And we must always respect the rights of others.

The responsible marijuana smoker does not violate the rights of others, observes accepted standards of courtesy and public propriety, and respects the preferences of those who wish to avoid marijuana entirely. Regardless of the legal status of marijuana, responsible users should adhere to emerging tobacco smoking protocols in public and private places. It is important politically that non-smokers do not feel as if those of us who smoke are forcing our personal preferences on them.

2. No driving while impaired with marijuana. A responsible marijuana consumer should not operate a motor vehicle or use other dangerous machinery while impaired by marijuana or other substances (including alcohol and some prescription medications).

Public safety requires that impaired drivers be kept off the roads, and that objective measures of impairment be developed to detect marijuana impairment; not simply testing for the presence of THC.

3. Resist abuse. Most marijuana use is essentially harmless; some is not. The use of marijuana, to the extent it impairs health, personal development or achievement, is abuse and should be resisted.

For example, the concept of ā€œwake and bakeā€ needs to disappear from our lexicon. It is a variation on the ā€œstupid stonerā€ stereotype of a smoker who sits home on his couch all day and stays stoned from morning until night. That image feeds the prejudice that exists among non-smokers towards those of us who smoke.

ā€œWake and bakeā€ might work on an occasional camping trip, or a day spent walking in the woods, but it should not be a regular part of oneā€™s life.

4. Be careful with edibles and concentrates. When consumed as an edible, the THC in marijuana requires up to 90-minutes, or even longer, to take effect, and it is therefore difficult to titrate the dosage. 10 milligrams is generally considered a single dose for an experienced user, and perhaps 5 milligrams for a novice user.

One who consumers too much of an edible will likely have a frightening, unpleasant experience, similar to a bad acid trip, which sometimes ends up in an emergency room. Those incidents are not life threatening or fatal, but they do reinforce negative views of marijuana smoking by non-smokers, and complicate our task of moving legalizing forward.

And the same warning applies to concentrates. Novice users especially need to go slowly when using concentrates, to avoid an unpleasant overdose; and even experienced smokers frequently are surprised by the strength of concentrates. Just as alcohol drinkers learn to use far less if they are drinking hard liquor than if they are drinking beer, those who use edibles and concentrates must acknowledge the distinction from regular marijuana and adjust their intake.

5. Moderation in all things. Just as alcohol drinkers learn that moderation is necessary to insure a pleasant experience, and to avoid an unpleasant one, so too with marijuana smoking. Getting as high as possible should not be the goal. The purpose of marijuana smoking should be to reach a nice, comfortable, pleasant high that permits enjoyable social interaction with others, and enhances the experience of activities such as eating, listening to music, walking in the woods, having sex, etc.

In fact, sometimes marijuana smokers prefer a mild level of intoxication, which has resulted in the arrival of many low-THC strains and edibles in states in which it is legal.

If those of us who smoke marijuana can generally follow these basic guidelines, we will begin to overcome the negative impression of recreational marijuana smokers that persist among nearly two out of three non-smokers, which in turn will permit us to make the remaining cultural and legal changes required to end unfair discrimination against responsible marijuana smokers.

38 thoughts

  1. That is excellent advice Keith! Thank you for continuing to be a voice of reason among quite a bit of insanity!

    I truly wish I could share this article with my brother who, in spite of my normalness, considers anyone who uses cannabis for any reason to be a stoner loser. I got into a bit of an argument with him over it after pointing out my successes in life and my belief that it has helped me more than it has hurt me, but it ended with me telling him that I’d never mention it to him ever again. Since then we haven’t spoken much; which is truly quite sad.

  2. Hear, Hear! If my state was legalized I would pin this list to the front of my fridge.

    I firmly believe that legalization will bring a new era of “movers and shakers” to this world, not a crop of lazy couch potatoes. We come in all shapes, sizes, and colors no need to discriminate any longer.

  3. Pot is everything that is good. It helps you think and to understand the complexities of life in a very quick and a more pleasurable way. So write them down and believe in yourself and enjoy life.

  4. concerning the last point, one of the biggest misconceptions about pot is that you can keep getting higher by smoking more, but my experience has been that you just end up kind of muddying the effect so that you don’t feel anything but a little tired. Unlike alcohol, where you can keep getting more drunk even after you’ve stopped consuming alcohol.

  5. to add to JJ’s comment, I recall having a conversation with a coworker about 30 years ago when the anti-marijuana rhetoric had reached fever pitch, and we were the only ones in our department that smoked, the irony was that we both were the ones that took on the most projects and did the best work in our department.

    as an aside, I can’t believe I dodged drug testing for the last 30 years!

  6. I appreciate the sentiment of the article, but wish that the root causes of prohibition were examined and understood by more people.

    The problem isn’t in the multitude of behaviors that cannabis consumers display. The root problem is some people think they can “own” other people and force their choices on them via some kind of democratic process which attempts to take a thing inherently wrong and by a voting consensus make controlling other peaceful people acceptable.

    The substances consumed and the habits people have are secondary. We all own ourselves, none of us own others. Laws be damned that violate that idea.

    I don’t think any of us should tell others what to do, if the other person confines their actions to themselves while on their own property or property they have the consent of the owner to be on.

    I think wake n bake is a personal choice and a great way to start a day if a person is so inclined.

    Ironic that millions of caffeine addicted Americans are okay with jailing people for a plant, then they drink the brew from an addictive and mood altering plant on their way to work.

  7. And the timing to provide a responsible image for marijuana consumers could never be more important: Our Great American Cannabis Tragedy is converging into a perfect storm for legalization:

    1).Judge Mueller’s likely decision in two days in favor of the Defense calling schedule 1 unconstitutional for cannabis

    2).The delay of appointing Attorney General for Loretta Lynch offers Holder an opportunity to make one last executive order at the same time of Mueller’s decision

    3). The Carers Act is pending in Congress

    There is an incredible opportunity here to deschedule marijuana during the next week or two. What Keith is saying is our responsible representation of marijuana consumers is swaying public opinion, Federal Judge’s decisions, The President and just perhaps, even the decisions of Congress who created this mess we call prohibition in the first place.
    These are incredible times to see Democracy at work. Let’s make our voice heard respectfully… And responsibly.

  8. Indeed another excellent article! I wish more of the younger crowd reads this, as they are the ones who have not had the time to learn this from experience. @ Don M, I completely understand what you experience with your brother, I too have had folks who do not understand or condone my Cannabis use, and it has been rough, but there are those who have come around, for them I am grateful. I believe we are all beginning a new era of acceptance, with Cannabis specifically, but also in other social matters.

  9. Just felt like I had to be a voice here on my belief. The one thing that is hard for non-smokers to understand is this; Although cannabis should be treated the same as alcohol and regulated the same. . . Cannabis is not alcohol. I know This article is saying what needs to be said to convince non-smokers that cannabis smokers (consumers) are responsible people and by me saying, what I’m about to say, is damaging to the movement but I still have to say it. Because for me it is the truth. I’ve been out of work for quite some time now due to depression and anxiety.(and I haven’t smoked in years, other than a couple times to try and help my illnesses but smoking make my anxiety worse. Oddly enough, when I did work, every job I did have, I smoked. I would ‘wake and bake’ every day and go to work and work my butt off. I was responsible to show up on time every single day, never called off, and did my job well. All of my jobs. And yes, I drove myself to work also (high but not impaired)[I don’t care the flak I receive from saying that. It’s the simple truth.] I realize this is the image that is a big “no no” in this movement, but like I said, I just speak my personal truth. People who consume cannabis already know this but I’ll say it once again. Cannabis. Is. Not. Alcohol. Thank you Keith and NORML for all that you do.

  10. There are always going to be those who are stoned all day long, just as there will always be those who drink alcohol all day long.

    The problem is that because alcohol is in the public eye in society, people see all the non-abusive uses of it.

    Since marijuana is illegal, non-users only tend to be exposed to abusive cases. This colors the view of non-users.

  11. @The B – You are so right!!! The Non-Using public doesn’t see what typically goes on after someone uses cannabis. The majority of the time, after I have vaped, I spend the afternoon cooking and cleaning house, walking my dog, and even exercising! Surely this is not a good reason for the cops to come a knockin’.

  12. The B , I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it. Cannabis. Is. Not. Alcohol. I know for a fact using cannabis all day long everyday had no negative impact on my life. I’ve been cannabis free for just over four years. I have no job, no friends, just anxiety and sinking further into an unwinnable depression that no one cares about. Here’s the mind****, back during the years when I did smoke [all day everyday], I always worked [cannabis isn’t free, or cheap], I had friends, I was social, outgoing, smiling more, laughing more and was basically enjoying life. Cannabis use is not abuse. Even if you use it all day everyday. That is just a fact (for me at least and that is all I speak for) Thank you again NORML for letting my view be seen. (Even if I am the bad image everyone wishes would shut up)

  13. Just so you know, Marco Rubio has announced that he is running for president. I advise against even considering giving this Republican prohibitionist the time of day!

  14. A way to move this cause forward is to point out that opponents and proponents have something in common that should be considered a most cogent talking point. That being ‘keeping marijuana out of the hands of our children’. National pollsters and research groups have determined from nationwide surveys of high school students that marijuana is easier to get than alcohol. This tells us that marijuana is pervasive in our society. Tha at can’t be blamed on legalization because it isn’t legal. It also tells us that law enforcement, after 50 years of prosecuting the War On Drugs at a cost exceeding on trillion dollars of national treasure and arresting twenty five million Americans for possession of small amounts of marijuana have failed to keep marijuana out of the hands of our children. Yet law enforcement is back at the trough insisting we maintain the status quo and give them another fifty years to resolve the issue of keeping marijuana out of the hands of our children. That’s the classic definition of insanity. We are not on the defensive anymore and we should be pointing out that change is necessary if we want to keep marijuana ou of the hands of our children.

  15. If one works in a hot environment such as outside I can see using cannabis to cope with the heat. It helps people tolerate the heat better because the cotton mouth makes them have to keep hydrated, and they slow down and take it easy, works well for repetitive tasks such as field work, hand picking produce and filling up a sack or basket, dumping it and starting over.

  16. ” National pollsters and research groups have determined from nationwide surveys of high school students that marijuana is easier to get than alcohol. This tells us that marijuana is pervasive in our society. Tha at canā€™t be blamed on legalization because it isnā€™t legal. It also tells us that law enforcement, after 50 years of prosecuting the War On Drugs at a cost exceeding on trillion dollars of national treasure and arresting twenty five million Americans for possession of small amounts of marijuana have failed to keep marijuana out of the hands of our children. Yet law enforcement is back at the trough insisting we maintain the status quo and give them another fifty years to resolve the issue of keeping marijuana out of the hands of our children.”

    Yes, this is the scam. We waste national treasure on morons that otherwise could not earn that money in a free society. They need a law supporting their bullshit scam. They need this authority for such a scam to even work in the first place. The War on Marijuana was sold to Law Enforcement on the promise they will not be held up to the standards of our Constitution. Murders, thieves, whores all get their Constitutional Protections, but not marijuana users or sellers. “The (non) existence of marijuana dangers” gives racists police an endless list (a blank check of sorts) of bullshit excuses to ignore it. So weird how that works out.

  17. I just wanted to apologize to The B. I misinterpreted what you were saying and went off in the wrong direction. I’m sorry.

  18. @Oracle ,
    Agreed; the more routine or repetitive the physical job, the more I would allow workers or employees to stay stoned all day, providing there are no children on the job-site. For work intensive and repetitive labor that requires a self-imposed sense of accomplishment, I recommend an Indica strain that stimulates short breaks with appetite for fruit and granola snacking and deep muscle relaxation at the day’s end.

    As for creative projects and development, consume in order to inspire, then proofread after the two hours of effect with THC expires. Recommended strains; Trainwreck and Jack Herrer, or any other variety high in pinenes. (You know the strain has mentally stimulating and sensory-alert pinenes because the herb smells like refreshing pine).

    If you are studying or in school, get up early, vaporize or smoke some Trainwreck early, 2 hours before school and studying starts while jogging or commuting, stretch, then clear your mind and refrain from the short term memory loss and fatiguing tolerance of cannabis during the day. At the end of the day, reward yourself with a relaxing Indica and you will gain perspective from what you have learned while retaining your education with long term memory. This final routine can help the mind solve and understand complex problems while nourishing neurogenesis.

  19. I’m all for wake and bake, it’s the best way to start the day, followed by 15 minutes of weight training, then 25 minutes of high intensity aerobics. For lunch, a doobie, some food and a quick 10 mile bicycle ride, another doobie after dinner followed by a fast 3 mile walk. Every one knows pot makes you lazy.

  20. thank you, I have been preaching this very thing to people for years. a little goes a long way for me. it is about the other benefits too , other than just getting a buzz. I benefit in many ways from cannabis. my wife does not partake but she will tell anyone how it benefits me. I miss it after 6 years , a month ana half of hair testing at my good paying job. we have to get cannabis legalized before I buy the farm. I miss it for so many special times in my life !

  21. Not to worry, Judy, no Hispanic; not Rubio, not Cruz, have any chance of being elected President of the USA. Just because Obama got elected doesn’t mean the door is wide open to all minorities. Illegal immigrants can’t vote and are mostly scheduled to be deported. The remote possibility of granting the illegals amnesty is reason enough why a Hispanic won’t get elected. Wish POTUS would use his position to end this ridiculous war on cannabis. That would be cause for celebration.

  22. @ The Oracle & Julian,

    The only disagreement I have with you both on the notion of being stoned at work (in a safe environment, of course, where there is no danger of injury) is that time has always moved SLOWER for me when I’m buzzed. (At work, at least.)

    I used to go to work stoned, back in the ’70s, but stopped doing that by the ’80s, when fellow workers would come up to me the moment I walked in the door and say, “You’re stoned aren’t you.”

    But, aside from the paranoia of that, I just began realizing that I didn’t want to waste a good buzz–at work of all places. And, as I mentioned, time moves slower for me when I’m stoned (at work, if not at home); the last thing I wanted was for time to creep along painfully slowly while I was at work. I’d look at the clock, thinking 30 minutes had passed, only to discover that no, it was two minutes that passed.

    Hence, since the ’80s, I’ve (pretty much) never gotten buzzed at work.

  23. Many years ago, I weightlifted/trained with an Olympic weightlifter…who consumed cannabis before workouts…he won a Bronze Medal at The Olympic Games…just think… if he had not been forced to urine test at The Olympics for cannabis…he may have taken the Gold?

  24. I’m not advocating or saying I am stoned all day long or go to work stoned. It depends on the kind of job one does. Personally, I do not. However, field hands and migrant workers and when doing that kind of work requiring hand picking and not operating machinery or not having to do complex thinking tasks quickly in an office or a factory or operating machinery in an air conditioned environment, that’s a different story. In case anybody ever wondered why agricultural workers such as migrant laborers, slaves and after slavery people who worked the land tended/tend to use cannabis. Alcohol dehydrates you. I am not saying I get stoned all day long or go to work stoned. Some people can handle that, patients used to medicating and some recreational users and can do their jobs fantastically. I’m not knocking you if you do, but I venture to say for most folks who do not need cannabis as medicine on the job the employer has the right to expect one is sober on his/her time. Just saying.

  25. Responsible cannabis consumption can occur from the time you wake to the time you go back to sleep. Moderation and mutual respect goes a long way in any social interaction. Cannabis may someday be accepted by our culture and become a social issue similar to alcohol, but I know deaths from cannabis will never outpace those from alcohol and prescription drugs.

  26. Thanks for the recommendations. If my Pennsylvania ever legalizes medical marijuana I would be able to get my medicine. Maybe the prohibitionist politicians would get a fire under their butts if big business was going to establish a presence and demanded it because they would have the right to transfer personnel in and out of the state, the thinking that they want people transferring in from a MMJ state have their MMJ cards honored, a reciprocity agreement of some kind. It’s a hodgepodge.

    So with this judge Mueller case what kind of charges and punishment would the defendants be facing if they grew the same number of plants but tomatoes or beans or something?

    Obama is supposed to be in CNN’s Weed3. I will be looking for dog whistles in there that the feds will F I N A L L Y allow IRS deductions and cannabis banking and put a puzzle on the drug czar’s office when it comes to all things cannabis AND put a muzzle on the DEA and hogtie the DEA–no funds allowed spent–to keep them even more out of the way of speeding up legalization.

    Local TV shit news station in Pennsylvania has been reporting on politicians in Harrisburg sponsoring and supporting legalizing medical cannabis has reporters saying l o c a l p o l i t i c a n s a r e P U S H I N G cannabis. I hate that shit. These newsreaders are pissing me off when they do that. With them it’s either reported with some kind of laugh at the stoner or like the law supports someone trying to push something on people that they don’t want. I mean, come on. I’m thinking most people ask around to try it, probably with peers. It’s everywhere you go, all around the world. I want to see and hear only positive pro-cannabis reporting in this situation. The media need to focus on the medical benefits of it. Don’t tell me they’re not going to do anything pro-cannabis until their station–ABC, CBS, NBC, whatever–airs a CNN style pro-cannabis special. They need to do an east coast special out of their New York (world) headquarters and bitch about how slow things have been and the need to speed things along to play catchup with western states.

    Yee Haw!

  27. this has nothing to with the above blog. but when you go to a doctor because your in pain, and they ask you piss in a cup, and your clean, and they perscribe you lortab, but the problem with that is well it causes insomnia for me, and after 4 days of not getting much if any sleep, you head to colorado because you had a 20 year absence from pot, and because your on perscription drugs that can mess up your liver, he checks for street drugs, is that ethicle because he’s guarding his practice, shouldn’t they be checking people who are perscribed hard pain killers to see if their taking it and not selling it for speed or crack, it’s sad that a person who needs the drugs have to sell it to buy food, my backs so screwed up and i don’t have the money to go to colorado because they will only give me motrin, i take so much of it i’m gonna blow a hole in my gut,sometimes my stools look like a misscarriage, my wife died of cancer and 2 years ago tried to relocate to colorado, the east side of the rockies grosed me out syringes lying along the street, hemp grows all over iowa don’t laugh but isn’t it true even those seeds reduce pain and inflamation

  28. @ Oracle,

    “I disagree with . . . ” was obviously the wrong choice of words, and should promptly be replaced with, “I myself prefer to . . . ”

    I am the last one to suggest to anyone how or when they should partake, and normally never do that. It was purely free association. I can’t toke like I used to, am now a self-professed “light weight,” a “weekend smoker,” lol. Oh, the humanity!!

  29. Hi Keith
    I live in Virginia, as you do, and I am curious as to why there is not a change here yet? If D.C. allows it, how come not in our state? What is taking so long and what could I do to help it any?

    [Editor’s note: VA’s cannabis laws will change when a sufficient number of concerned citizens are politically active. DC has de-penalized cannabis laws because the city has a voter initiative process, whereas VA is with a majority of states that don’t have direct voter initiatives.

    If you’re not already an active member with your VA NORML chapters…you can get more involved in cannabis law reform efforts in VA through your local chapter.]

  30. @Evening Bud, I’m sorry you suffer from an overpaid underinteresting job that perhaps you fear to lose for need of the money, otherwise you’d find it advantageous that the herb helps “space out time” giving you more time to do more terrific inspired interesting work in.

    Agree with @Keith about moderation (in this modern nation of ours) but don’t agree that there is anything moderate about H-ot B-urning O-verdose M-onoxide $moking. @Evening Bud might consider limiting the pre-work tokage to a Very Moderate single 25-mg one-hitter serving (with a breathbonnet breatheage thereafter) so no one will notice any provocative “highness” but you’ll get the interpretive-idea payoffs as mentioned by @Julian 150414 and experience on-job work-enjoyment (MCP Moderate Creative Paranoia).

  31. Just my opinion…You know I don’t give a crap about how people smoke or who smokes. This is America, once ruled by democracy and now ruled by hypocrisy and bureaucracy. Fact…average Americans smoke pot. Politicians, cops, lawyers, corporate types, doctors, the right, the left and the MAJORITY. Anyone who say’s otherwise…”is drunk!” The thing is some folks prefer not to drink alcohol but they don’t impose restrictions on those who do. Just the same they like to relax just like everyone else. They just prefer a more natural approach. And being that this is a democracy and our personal preferences and rights should not be dismissed by what is today, a MINORITY rule. They should not have to risk liver disease, alcoholism or any other negative alcohol derived side effect in order to get their buzz on. Not to mention alcohol taste like shit to some. Our nations history has showed us that the MAJORITY in the 1930’s felt prohibition on alcohol was wrong, just as the MAJORITY of this decade feels the same about pot and have the growing scientific proof to back up the claim…that it’s still not as destructive in nature as alcohol. In addition history has proved to us that alcohol was quickly embraced by society as the new norm in America. The same so shall be for this so called demon weed! Call it what you will…I for one see a gold mine for our nation waiting to sprout. I see medicine, I see jobs, I see bio-fuels and crop rotations that don’t need pesticides, I see manufactured goods at a level not seen in decades, I see tax surplus rather than deficits, I see Mexican cartels struggling while we build securer borders, I see national security and a independent nation that can set international trade standards. The time is now for the MINORITY to pull their collective heads out of their Reagan era asses. Yea I said it…Reagan the man who said that marijuana was the most destructive drug to plague our nation…the same president who experience Alzheimer’s all through his second term. And the right pretends he was some kind of God. Really? He was at best a “good actor.” The really sad part is that if studies on marijuana had not been cock blocked by said bureaucrats, he and millions like him would have benefited from marijuana greatly. Which would have continued through out the medical world in fields like cancer research and pain management to name a few. Imagine how many would still be alive today and how few would have to have suffered. Unfortunately this was not the case. Instead we got a much different historical version, we got scare tactics and propaganda. We got Washington back door dealings that led to policies that led to ridiculously failed and expensive drug wars. Failures being paid for by tax payers that weren’t even born yet. If I was a savvy businessman looking to invest in something…it wouldn’t be a drug war. The pathetic returns would have led me to jump out a window long ago. So excuse me if I fail to see any reason in believing that “getting falling down drunk is socially acceptable but chilling out is obscene!” If this after a half century of debate and failed policies is the acceptable norm…”beam me up Scotty….!”

  32. @ Mexweed,

    Your sympathy is appreciated. The only thing wrong with your statement, tho, is the “overpaid” part. I assure you I don’t suffer from that. “underinteresting,” yes. As far as getting baked at work, I’ll just say that it’s better that I don’t, your advice notwithstanding.

  33. Just read the second part of your post, Mexweed, and I do appreciate the advice, as per Julian’s post. (I’ll definitely have to try it that way one of these days.) For the time being, I’ll probably just remain a “weekend” toker, at least until I can retire. Like I say, I’m a light-weight these days anyway. šŸ™ (tho I suddenly have an urge to . . . being that 4/20 just happened . . . ) Stay cool brother.

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