Uruguay Marijuana Laws

Peek Into Uruguay’s Legal Marijuana Scene

MERRY JANE, a premiere cannabis and pop culture media platform, is investigating cannabis globally in their new original series, “Wide World of Cannabis,” which premiered Wednesday. The first episode, “Uruguay Part 1” travels to South America to explore the first country in the world to completely legalize recreational and medical marijuana.

Marijuana Arrests

Nation’s Capital: Massive Reduction In Marijuana Arrests

New data released by the Washington, D.C. police indicate that there has been a massive reduction in marijuana-related arrests in the nation’s capital post-prohibition. Astoundingly, there has been almost a 100% decrease in marijuana arrests in just one year after 70% of the District’s voters chose to end marijuana prohibition.

NORML Working to Reform Marijuana Laws

Democrats, Debate and Marijuana Legalization: Sanders ‘Yes’; Clinton ‘No’, But…

At the first Democratic debate of the presidential season, just like at the Republican’s first presidential debate, the issue of marijuana legalization–notably state’s ending cannabis prohibition–came up for discussion where one candidate made clear their support for legalization…another one, still waffling on weed policy.